Pests complicate life in more ways than one. In this article, we will give you five reasons to consider using professional pest control services in Temecula and the surrounding areas. …
temecula pest control
What We Mean When We Say We Do Pest Control in Temecula
The term “pest control” can mean different things to different people. We’ve come to find that when many companies say they do pest control, it means that they only take care of the most common household pests. In the Temecula area, this typically means ants and spiders. This type of company will …
Dry Rot Repair for Riverside and San Diego County Homes
When you saw the title of this blog post, you may have thought to yourself, “Why is a pest control company talking about dry rot repair?” That’s actually a great question. On the surface, pest control and dry rot repair don’t seem like related services, but in fact, they are. …