Black widow spiders are quite common in Fallbrook and the surrounding areas. This may sound alarming to some readers, since black widows are known to be venomous, but fortunately, the spiders are not generally aggressive. They won’t bite unless they feel threatened. However, a spider has no way of …
pest control
When Ground Squirrels Invade, Your Fallbrook Pest Control Company Can Help
Ground squirrels are a particularly annoying and destructive type of landscape and garden pest. Not only can they destroy plants or consume your garden’s fruits and vegetables, but they can also do considerable damage to sprinkler heads and irrigation lines. They can even topple trees and large …
Crane Flies (aka Mosquito Hawk): An Annoying, But Harmless Fallbrook Pest
If you’re like many of our Fallbrook pest control customers, you may be experiencing an abundance of a certain type of pest this spring that you may not have noticed in years past: crane flies. Crane flies look like giant mosquitos or like daddy long legs spiders with wings, given their long spindly …